Tom Bombadil vs the Priority of our Desires

This week I want to take Tolkien’s Tom Bombadil story in a different direction than I have been following in the last three essays. A remarkable thing about Tom Bombadil (and unique in Middle Earth) is that the ring of power had no influence on him and it could therefore not master him. When hobbits, …

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Creation and Ecology: A Meditation on the Pigness of Pigs and the Breadness of Bread

In the previous two essays I have argued that Tolkien’s Middle Earth cosmology is rooted in the western Christian view of creation, and the elvish realms of Rivendell (Elrond’s realm), Lothlórien (Galadriel’s realm) and Mirkwood (Thranduil’s realm) reflect the western tendency toward conquest and coercion, while the realm of Tom Bombadil reflects a very different, …

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Technology Is not the Problem – Nature Is not the Solution

I recently started listening to the Amon Sûl podcast, an Orthodox thematic exploration of Middle Earth. That has led to poking around other Lord of the Rings related things. I have been disturbed (but not surprised) by the discussion around Tom Bombadil (an ancient nature sprite, as old as Middle Earth itself) who appears in …

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Old Tom Bombadil and the Monks

An essay taking evangelicals to task for dabbling in Lent, called Much Ado about Something?, was recommended to me this week. Author Kenneth Stewart's historical facts were accurate enough, but he espouses a form of primitivism that I simply don't comprehend. Primitivism is the belief that the apostolic church was a pure church and everything …

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