The Blood of Bulls and Goats, a Cup of Coffee, and the Renewal of My Inmost Being

One of the standard texts that I've heard most of my life in support of "spiritual worship" is Psalm 51:16-17. In my younger years I remember this primarily as a text used against the "physical worship" of the Roman Catholic Mass. For in sacrifice you take no delight,burnt offerings from me you would refuse,my sacrifice, …

Continue reading The Blood of Bulls and Goats, a Cup of Coffee, and the Renewal of My Inmost Being

The Disadvantage of a Boarding School

Brenda and I went to a soccer game today. Being a boarding school, all the parents and friends of the kids live a long way away. Besides, it was frigid today. (About 50° and very damp at game time -- brrr!!!! -- [I know, but it's best to play along with the locals when it …

Continue reading The Disadvantage of a Boarding School